Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organization

General chair, scientific chair
  • Philippe Pucheral: Co-founder of the bi-annual French Summer School 'Masses de Données Distribuées' and co-organizer of this school in 2016

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Organizer and chair of 'Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée' (APVP) in 2015

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • Philippe Pucheral: EDBT'15, MOBIWIS'15, DATA'15, BDA'15

  • Luc Bouganim: EDBT'15, EDBT'16

  • Nicolas Anciaux: BDA'15, Int. Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (SEEE'15)

  • Benjamin Nguyen: BDA 2015, ACOMP'15, ECML-PKDD'15, EDA 2015

  • Iulian Sandu Popa: MOBILWARE 2015, IEEE Mobile Cloud 2016, APVP 2015

  • Iulian Sandu Popa: EDBT'15, ACM SIGSPATIAL'15


Member of the editorial boards
  • Nicolas Anciaux: Area Editor of the VLDB Journal (since 2015)

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Member of the editorial committee of TSI (Techniques et Sciences Informatiques), French Journal, Eds. Lavoisier since 2012

Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Iulian Sandu Popa: ACM Transactions on Storage 2015

Invited talks

  • Invited tutorial: Towards an Era of Trust in Personal Data Management, Tutorial at ADBIS'15 conference, N. Anciaux, B. Nguyen, I.Sandu Popa, 2015

  • Invited talk: Gestion de données personnelles respectueuse de la vie privée. "1/2 heure de science", N. Anciaux, June 2015

  • Invited talk: Gestion de données embarquées dans des calculateurs sécurisés, une solution pour la protection des données personnelles ?, Journée ASF, COMPAS conference, L. Bouganim, June 2015

  • Invited talks and demonstrations: PlugDB: towards the Secure Personal Cloud. Smart City & Mobility Innovations, Cities, IoT and Analytics mobility, RII, San Francisco, N. Anciaux, 2015

Research administration

  • Philippe Pucheral: Member of the HDR committee of the STV doctoral school (UVSQ) since 2014

  • Philippe Pucheral: Philippe Pucheral: Member of the steering committee of the ED STIC doctoral school of University Paris-Saclay, 'Data, Knowledge and Interactions' committee (about 250 PhD students) since 2014

  • Luc Bouganim: Co-president of the Inria 'Emplois Scientifiques' commission (includes PhD grant, Post-Doc and Délégation attributions), 2015

  • Nicolas Anciaux: Co-director of the 'Privacy and digital identity' WG at Digital Society Institute (DSI), since January 2015

  • Nicolas Anciaux: President of the 'Comité de Suivi Doctoral' (CSD) at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, since 2015

  • Nicolas Anciaux: Member of Commission de Developpement Technologique (CDT) at Inria Rocquencourt since 2012

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Director of Digital Affairs (INSA CVL)

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Member of the Executive Committee of INSA CVL